Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coloring Eggs!!

We went and spent the Night at mom and dads house while noah was gone for the night. When we woke up the next morning we had a great breakfast made by dad and then Lorena and Baby Ko showed up and we started coloring Easter eggs. Grandma bought this really cool egg spinner so you put the dye and the egg in it, close the lid then push the button and it spins and colors the egg, Priest really enjoyed it. Prentice well he fell asleep while we were doing it. We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa.

Bath in the sink 2!!

My little boy is just getting so big, so there will not be many more baths in the sink but right now he LOVES them! He gets to be by himself without brother splashing water at him and ge gets to just relax while brother watches! Priest will get his bath later...

See i said he would get a bath later!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Big Baller!!!

Our little Basketball Player. He got this outfit from Uncle Steve and Aunt Lorena and he always wants to wear his basketball shorts rain or shine just like uncle steve.

St Pattys Day!

We celebrated out Irishness wearing green and going over to Grandma and Grandpas to have Cornbeef and Cabbage and I made Green cupcakes. It would have been nice to have one of my sister's cakes there but maybe next year. Prentice got lots of kisses that day!!

His shirt says Kiss me Im Irish and yes priest is naked as usual.

Over Coming Sickness!

My poor babies have been sick, both with different things but both sick. As you can see Prentices poor little eyes are so red and he could not stop rubbing them his dr gave him eyes drops and it breals my heart having to give them to him because he HATES them then Priest got really bad red green goopy eyes also. Well now they are a lot better and look better too!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sitting Up!!!

Prentice is getting so big, he is now 6months and is starting to sit up without support. I still put the boppy around him just incase he tips over, but he loves sitting up and having some independance even though he is a TOTAL mammas boy!!


So two days after we got home from Montana, we had a busy weekend planned and friday we all got soooo sick!!! It was insane, the weekendwas a total blur, but i snapped a picture of my sick boys cuddeling on the couch watching a movie!


Priest, Prentice and I took a roadtrip to Montana to see Briana, we had a great time. All priest wanted to do was see cows and horses, we spent alot of time outside and just hanging out. Priest loved playing with Annika, they had like a love hate relationship but at the end of the night they were in the same bed sleeping. Priest was excited when we took hom to see some horses up close he LOVED it!!
Issac, Annika, Emelia, Priest and Prentice.