Well the baby is finally here, Its a ... GIRL!!!! After a relaxing yet a wirlwind Parvati Vava has arrived and is beautiful. I started having Contractions at 4pm and they were about 10 minutes apart so we knew that we would be having to go to the hospital at some point. So we got the kids ready to go spend the night at Grandma and Grandpas while Noah and I went to dinner then we went and met some family at the bowling alley, my contractions where about 7 minutes apart now. We got to the Hospital early because I have my babies so fast so better safe then sorry right...right. We got there at 11pm they admitted me checked me and I was dialted to 3 and contracting every 7 minutes after about 3 hours nothing changed so they sent me home well I am so thankful for my smart husband we went and stayed at moms house instead of going all the way home. My contractions stayed they same and at 5:30am my water broke, we grabbed our bags and headed BACK to the Hospital. We arrived at the hospital at 6:10am and I was dialated to a 6 and my contractions were really strong, they were trying to get the IV in because you have to have an IV a half hour before you get an epidural while they were trying to give it to me I looked at and Noah and said "if I don't get this epidural I am going to be pissed!!!" a contraction came hard and I said "I have to push" The nurse checked me and said "this baby is coming NOW!!" she screamed down the hall for the nurses and to call a dr. It was to late the Dr never made it and the baby fell out on the bed. The Nurses cut the cord and asked Noah to tell me the sex and he started looking for a penis the looked and me and said "oh man it's Girl!" they wrapped her up and put her in my arms and I looked at her and said "are you sure its a girl?" and started unwrapping the blanket to see for my self and sure enough she was a girl!! Born at 6:55am 6lbs 12 oz 19 1/2 inches.